Mother Earth is
calling for all cultures to come together in Sacred Ceremonies
NOW to restore balance and harmony.
White Wolf Paiute Visits 2009 Paiute Journey 2010 Ruby Pipeline | |||||||||||||||
Blue Thunder Boise Earth Healings 2007 Boise 2008 Boise 2009 | |||||||||||||||
Niyawehnsie Peacemaker Teachings Earth Wisdom Crystal Mountain 8-8-08 | |||||||||||||||
Earth Mother Crying Events 2009 Peace One Day Crystal Medicine Wheel 2010 | |||||||||||||||
This area requested several healings before we could find the mountain. First looking at the maps, I found Cottonwood but I could not find roads to get to it.. In the meantime, Bully Creek and Lookout asked for help. Both of these were necessary to open up energies into their respective areas.
Bully Creek Reservoir and Malheur Butte
Ceremony for Cottonwood Mountain
Mountains and House are in the traditional Homelands of the Paiute.
Visit to
Burns, Oregon