Mother Earth is
calling for all cultures to come together
in Sacred Ceremonies
NOW to restore
balance and harmony..
Whenzahkee Ahnooha
Earth Mother Crying
Hear Me, My Children
For sometime now, I have been sending warnings to you.
You will not prevail TERRA
Painting by Marcine Quenzer as a direct communication from Mother Earth, May 12th, 2001. The choice of the name for this website comes
from this painting as well as Mad Bear Anderson,
To order painting, go to
I did this painting, I coated the masonite with gesso. Where ever I poured
the gesso, it raised the masonite to make this wild configuration under the
painting. It wasn't suppose to do that. I debated as to get a new piece of
masonite and try again. I thought this strange. But since this was the
piece designated for the painting, I thought I
should continue with it. I thought surely it has some significant meaning
and I would eventually become privy of it. I thought
perhaps it meant her vortexes or energy, but I was not sure until I heard
the teachings of Blue Thunder. It does not show on the copies, only on
the original. He said that people had forgotten and not done the blessings and gratitude to the Earth for all she provided especially when they cut into her to build. Native Peoples had knowledge of how and why to do this, and since colonization, many ways were no longer done. And out of what ceremonies remained, the purpose and meaning behind many, have been lost and convoluted. He said today, we do not use the proper protocols that would allow us to safely build, plant, dig, in the earth, and because of that, in many places, Mother's energy system, known as vortexes has been cut loose, are no longer anchored to provide her energy and these are whipping wildly around causing erratic weather behavior. So this is what the strange configurations on the base of my painting meant. I had seen a video by Dr. A.C. Ross, Wico'ni Waste'. He had a series of American Indian Prophecies I, II, III. He tells that the problems with the Earth are because of our negative thinking patterns. So when Blue Thunder tells me about this, I am already familiar with it. Blue Thunder brings to attention how the Earth is made of crystals and because of Dr. Emoto's work, we have proof that crystals of water hold thought forms. So if all the Earth is made of water, or rather these silicone dioxide crystals, then everything that has happened or been said and done, has left an imprint. Psychometry is the "reading" of that energy imprint. Psychics use it to solve crimes. But what happens to the Earth when layer and layer of this imprinting is done for some 200 to 400 years into our Earth's crystals without clearing? Consider this. No wonder people go crazy. They are extremely susceptible to the un-cleared energy..... So in healing the Earth, we clear these thought forms, energy imprints, and release the people from hundreds of years of psychic imprinting of war, poverty, anger, hatred, jealousy, murder, rape, judgment, loss, fear, tribulations, sickness, and replace it with LOVE, PEACE, AND HARMONY. DEFINITELY A WORTHY CAUSE. I am aware that there are many who work on the grid system and earth clearings at many levels. All this is good. The more healing that is done the more effective Earth Healing Ceremonies are because they have less "drag" when the waves of energy sweeps across. So to all you Healers, whatever realm you work in, I congratulate you and say "Go Girl"!! (or Guy!) The more you do, the more effective we can be in our Ceremonies. I have anchored many Whirling Rainbows of Peace but found that sound was the missing vibration to create waves of transforming energy. The entire make up of the Whirling Rainbow is a vortex of pebble-like induced waves going out and back in but without sound vibration, they lacked physical form. My point being that Ceremony brings together all aspects of vibration; thought, intent, physical movement, sound, energy, to create a physical healing on all those levels. For example; you by thought increase your energy 2x. Now add, dancing, running, movement and you now double that. Add 50 of your friend's thought and prayers. Now you have 50 x 4=200 % increase. Now if they move, dance, run, skip, hop, or in anyway add movement to those prayers, you have exponentially increased the power of the thoughtful intent to 400%. Power in the ceremony. Now consider adding the heart beat of Mother Earth..... the drum. As it is beaten, the sound waves radiate out like a pebble dropped in a pond. Now connecting with Mother, that is why it is called her heart beat, and now giving physical form to the prayers, along with song hitting 13 vocal ranges, the vibratory equal of the dimensions. This is true power of the People, the spiritual power that is greater than any nuclear power. Marcine
The Prophecy Of The Seventh Generation According to the Mohawk Prophecy of the Seventh Generation, seven generations after contact with the Europeans the Onkwehonwe would see the day when the trees would die from the tops down. The prophecy said that strange animals would be born deformed and without the proper limbs. Huge stone monsters would tear open the face of the earth. The rivers would burn. The air would burn the eyes of man. According to the prophecy of the Seventh Generation the Onkwehonwe (Real People) would see the time when the birds would fall from the sky. The fish would die in the water. And man would grow ashamed of the way that he had treated his mother and provider, the earth. Finally, according to this prophecy, after seven generations of living in close contact with the Europeans, the Onkwehonwe would rise up and demand that their rights and stewardship over the earth be respected and restored. According to the wisdom of this prophecy, men and women would one day turn to the Onkwehonwe, and particularly to the eastern door of the Confederacy, for both guidance and direction. It is up to the present generation of youth of the Kanienkehaka (Mohawk) to provide leadership and example to all who have failed. The children of the Kanienkehaka are the seventh generation.
Man is the only animal who takes and takes to fill his desire of more and more. Man. And his kind. Man is the only animal who is greedy, seeks self promotion, and lives with more than he needs. Man. And his kind. While the life around him pays the consequences, whether it is the four legged, the winged, or the plant life once so abundant... or the poor among the race of man. Those who are innocent of the destruction, pays the cost. As their souls Cry. Many who can hear, cry also.
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