Dawn, Kris
and I went up to northern Idaho this last weekend to do clearing
ceremonies on the two ceremonial spots.
We went out to Pomeroy,
then the 15 miles to the Walla Walla National forest and then 9 miles to
Clearwater Lookout. As we came around a curve, we were greeted with a
feeling of joy, and welcome. “They” were expecting us, and so glad we
were there. Then Two roads on the left past the Lookout, we found a
little spot to do a very sweet ceremony. We received a message
bout the trinity. We numbered 3 and many sacred things come in three.
The Father, Mother and the Child; Us the Hue-man, in that we have a
Sky Spirit (I am presence/highself/ Uki) and an Earth Spirit (low self/
Okten) which reincarnates carrying the lessons, and a material self we
call Ego. Three in one. Just as the Creator, the Mother Earth, and we
their children, are representational of the three aspects of Creation:
male, female, and fruit or child.
We left 7
stone people there holding space for this ceremony coming up. The circle
is about 6-8 feet across and is sitting in the grass between two places
where campers had made fires. If anyone up that way, has intentions of
going and sitting on the mountains up there, that is the one spot to go.
If you can, recover the stone people as they have been in quite a few
ceremonies and I really did not want to leave them there, but we had no
one else to hold space during the upcoming ceremony.
Third pic
shows the leanto someone had built and left there. The last pic show the
stump with two rocks on top of it. Second pic shows the area the stone
ancients are standing.