Mother Earth is
calling for all cultures to come together
in Sacred Ceremonies NOW to restore balance and
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Earth Mother Crying Prophecy Earth Wisdom Earth Healing 101 Crystal Mountain Medicine Wheel 09 |
Events 2010 Peace One Day 2007 & 08 Crystal Mountain Synchronization 2010 | |||
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On this page "Let
Goodness Take Its Place"
"Let Goodness Take Its Place" by Larry Merculieff Healing: An Alaskan Prophecy Larry gave this speech to a meeting of Aleut elders who had assembled to hear his important message. Larry began his speech in the Aleut language with the saying, "The afternoon tastes good." He continued...
"You are the second group of people that have invited me to talk on something that is very special. I have been asked to give you some messages from the spiritual leaders of the Hopi and [also the] Maori people from New Zealand. When I went up to Canada one and 1/2 years ago, I went there to be with the Stony Elders. They invited me to go there. While I was there, they said the Hopi and Maori sent the messenger to meet me. I do not know why me, but they gave me some messages to bring back here to Alaska. They must have known things that I do not know or can not see yet. And this is one of the things that I think they knew: that I was going to be invited to speak in places like this. One thing to know before I start. The people who are here today are here for a reason. It is no accident that you are going to be here to hear this message, and it is up to you whether or not you want to use this message of wisdom that has been given by the Hopi and Maori. If you do not use it, I would ask you pass it along to others. I used to write my speeches, you know, when I left the University. They train you to write everything down. As Commissioner, you have to write everything down for the public record. I stopped doing that when an old man, Howard Luke, and I were exchanging tape recordings with each other. He sent me this tape and said, "Anybody that gets up in front of a crowd of people and has to read from a piece of paper has no business being up there!" So for the first time in my 43 years, today, I say "OK, the papers are going to be put away." I will speak from the heart. There is a great deal of wisdom in speaking from the heart instead from a paper. It was a relearning for me. I learned it very well, I think. When I have to speak before a group, I never know what I am going to say. The only thing I can do is clear my mind, clear my body, and pray for the messages given from the people that I have been sent here to give the messages for. And I pray to the Creator to help. When I came here, I also prayed for the help of the Spirit of the land; The Spirits of your ancestors; The Spirit of the river; The Spirit of the animals; The Spirit of the trees; and The Spirit of the wind, bBoise 2010 ecause each area of the world has their own guardian. Even this group now has it's own guardians. They are here now they are sitting with us, and so, I ask for their help when I talk. Events 2010 Peace One Day 2007 & 08 Crystal Mountain Synchronization 2010e Hopi, Maori and the Stony Elders, who are part of the great Sioux Nation in Alberta, also from the White Bison Society. I will explain what this is. What the Hopi [and the] Maori wanted us to know here in Alaska and all the villages, is that we are moving into the what they call the World of the 5th Hoop. The Navajo called it moving into the 5th World. Maybe amongst some of the elders of the Athabascan people there are similar things that are being said about this time. It is a message of hope. They know of the sicknesses that made them suffer. They know of the fights that have been going on between the organization and the villages. They know of the struggle between villages and within regions and between regions. They know about the alcohol abuse and accidental deaths due to alcohol, the suicides, the high blood pressure, failing health, heart problems, all these things that our people in Alaska have been facing. In my years working for my people, I have traveled all over the State. And it is pretty much the same everywhere... the kind of problems we are experiencing. That is not what this message is about. They know about our business in the villages. This message is a message of hope. They say that moving into this time, of the World of the 5th Hoop, is a time when all the four sacred powers are going to be reconnected. They are the red-white-black-yellow. They wanted me to know that, among the Hopi, they are the keepers of the sacred stone tablets for the sacred red power - that includes all of us. They wanted me to know that they have the sacred stone tablets in Tibet, in the mountains, kept by the Tibetan Monks, in the same way that the Tibetans have their sacred stone tablet with the Hopi. There are four sacred stone tablets that were given. The sacred black color has theirs in a small village in Africa. They cannot exchange it with the sacred white color because they lost theirs. But the Hopi wisdom keepers say that they are soon to find this stone. Very soon in this time. If you look at the maps where the people of Hopi live and Tibetans live, [it] is exactly on opposite parts of the world of the Mother Earth. The Hopi word for love is the Tibetan word for hate. And the Tibetan word for love is the Hopi word for hate. The same word, but exactly opposite meanings. They say that this is necessary to help keep the balance of Mother Earth. And that there are keepers of this balance that are around the world like us. In moving into this time of the World of the 5th Hoop, it is going to be a time of great healing. There is going to be great healing that is going to start, and the Hopi say that it is going to start in the North. I have learned just recently that it is going to start in Alaska. The Hopi told me that this time of great healing is going to be shown by several signs. One is when a hoop of a hundred eagle feathers is completed. And I have met the person from the White Bison Society in Colorado, who are the keepers of this hoop. I met the person while I was in Anchorage. While we were having dinner, a lady came in from Kodiak and she had an eagle feather in her hand. She said, "I know this had to go to some special place, and I guess it is you." And [she] gave it to this guy who was sitting there. His mouth dropped open. He could hardly speak. He said that this was the eagle feather that was to be the axle-- the center point in this hoop of 100 eagles that was described to him exactly by the wisdom keepers. The eagle feathers numbered 57 at that time. Since that time, two more [feathers] have come from Alaska. One from an all white eagle. This white eagle had called to this man. (This is true, as I was a witness.) He was a white man. He calls me up and he says, "I do not know why I am calling, but this morning I looked up in my yard and there were 13 ravens in a circle. And in the middle of the circle was an eagle." He said he knew that was pretty weird. He had never seen anything like it. The people in the village had never seen anything like this. This was just about a month and a half ago. He said that he had heard the story of the hoop of the 100 eagle feathers. He said, "That night the tribal chief delivered to me the dead eagle." That morning he saw the eagle alive, surrounded by 13 ravens, [but] that evening, it was delivered to the camp. He did not know why. And so he heard of the story and knew that, if he asked permission properly, one of these eagle feathers was to be delivered to this hoop. And so it was. A person who was on his way down to Colorado delivered the white eagle feather or the feather from a white eagle. So now there were two feathers delivered. In this time of healing, the message of hope from the Hopi [and] Maori and the Stony Elders, I was invited to Sacred Ceremony by the Stony Elders. The youngest was 77 and the oldest was 106. No one spoke any English during the whole time I was in the Sacred Ceremony, which lasted 3 hours. They spoke English one in the middle, and the person who spoke said "I am speaking English for the benefit of our friends from Alaska." We know that your people in Alaska, in many villages, believe that they have lost their culture, the cultural wisdom and their ways. We are praying to the Creator. We want you to know of the message that has been given to us so that you would take it back to Alaska. The message that they received for us is that our cultures are not dead. All the wisdom that has been collected in our cultures, since time immemorial, is being kept for us, waiting for us, to awaken in our spirits. We will awaken our spirits again. When that happens things will be revealed of the old wisdoms. Things that have been forgotten for a long time are going to be brought back; Art- Music- Song- Dance- Storytelling- Spiritual- Wisdom- knowledge, and the wisdom of how to work with Mother Earth, will all be restored. They also want us to know that among the Hopi and Maori there are people who do nothing but pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, every year of their lives. That is all they do. In rotation, they pray around the clock for other people. In this prayer is where they have seen some of these things that are about to happen. The healing that is going to take place, the advice that has been given to us, is "Seek not to fight evil-- do not fight it-- let goodness take its place." So when we see bad things happen and when we fight those bad things, what we do hurts everybody. Fighting evil has spiritual energies that go to the ends of universe, affects everybody in the community. When I come into community, I can feel the energies that are created. We are all affected by it. You know, sometimes you watch little kids when a stranger walks into the room [and], all of a sudden, the child just cries. Sometimes this happens, or, they love the stranger. What they are doing is taking their God given, Creator given, way of talents, skills, gifts, to feel the spirit of the other person. Because everybody give out these energies. So we have to, they say, be very careful. This is part of the wisdom amongst the great Athabascan People and most indigenous people throughout the world. We must take care of how we think-- how we feel. The signs of this time of healing that is to start are: When the children bring back the spirit to the village; when the young start speaking with the wisdom of the elders; when the leadership energies start shifting to the feminine side; when this hoop of the 100 eagles feathers gets completed. And when the White Bison shows up. These are all the signs of the movement from the 4th to the 5th Hoop. Now, I know that some of this is in language that you may have not heard in your lifetime. But I know inside, you will recognize these words to be true. Your intuition is going to tell you what I am saying is true. The world for the last 4,000 or so years has been stuck in the male energy side. The male energy is thinking from the brain. It is a management from the top down. It is more aggressive. It does not use intuition or feelings from the heart. It is a different kind of energy. It is not a bad energy. It is just different than the female energy. Female energy is healing, nurturing, loving, caring, touching, sharing. And that the world spiritual leaders know now that these energies have been male and now have shifted to the female side. The center of the top of the energy entrance to the Earth Mother is here through Alaska. The spiritual leaders say that a host, hosts of angels, are coming through Alaska-- spreading out throughout the world for this healing to take place. I see what is happening to our young people. I spent most of my life thinking I was a leader, for 25 years working for my people. I realized, when I finally woke up, I was not a leader because I was stuck in the same place with the same kind of sickness they had. Harold Napoleon, who wrote the book, The Way of the Human Being, talks about the Great Death. Why, people ask, are we suffering like this today? Why are our kids this way? Why are we having this alcohol problem? It is easy to understand when you get back in touch with your heart. Harold Napoleon talks about the time of the Great Death. My people faced it. Eighty percent of our people were wiped out in 50 years. We still have stories of those times. How many men can a musket ball kill? The Russians were betting about the Aleuts, so they lined them up back to back, shot point blank, and the answer is 9. There is one community where the Russians went to take all the women and girls for their sex slaves. The women and girls said, "No, this will be a violation of our spirit!" And they all got on top of a cliff and jumped, in mass, and died. There is a story in a village in Akutan, where it used to take a year to build meat boats from hide. It was one of the most sophisticated kayaks in the world. It took a year to build because it had to be dependable. They had to go out on the high seas for weeks on end. They knew this, and the Russians knew this. The fur traders, who were greedy, went into the village at night and destroyed all the boats. The village starved to death. There was one old woman who survived out of 300 people. So we have these stories. The first people who were killed among my people were the Shaman and their apprentices. Because of their religion, or way of life of spirituality, the Russians did not understand so they destroyed it. They thought it was a threat. Can you imagine our people who are survivors-- we are survivors here today, having gone through that time-- experiencing for 50 years, 8 out of 10 people dying in a horrible way? Your loved ones? Your grandchildren? Your children? Your mother? Your wives? Your husbands? [All] dying by horrible ways for 50 years? Year after year, seeing horrible death? And being subjected to all this? The American doctors have a name for this now, they call it Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The Vietnam Vets have also experienced this syndrome. The veterans, when they came back from Vietnam, were depressed. They took drugs. They took alcohol. They withdrew from their relationships. They could not be close to people because it hurt too much. They did anything to escape their feeling and what they were thinking. When they did that, they separated from their spiritual side. When this happened, the depression started. So they experienced this in Vietnam after 2 or 3 years. Sometimes people had 4 trips over there. Our people experienced it for generations. Not only did we not have the support that the Vietnam Vets had, [but] they still had their culture intact when they came back. Our cultures were eliminated, or attempted to be destroyed. So that the survivors, who had survived, were without hope. Having gone through such misery and pain, the only thing they could do to defend themselves, the only way they knew how to defend themselves, was not to feel. I know and I understand it. Harold Napoleon understood it. Many of you understand it. Because as a child, like many of our people, [I] grew up in a family the abused alcohol. And the first thing that I did as a child to defend myself was to shut off my feelings. They were shut off for over 20 years. And when that happened, it is a state of constant depression and addiction. Addictions can be cigarettes - alcohol - TV - noise; big loud music, and even thoughts could be an addiction. Anything to take us away from feeling right now the way we feel. We try to run away from it. That is what happening when you see a kid walk down the street with big earphones blasting and they are not hearing anything else because they do not want to be here. No. The wisdom keepers say that the only place to find the power of the Creator is to be present in this moment. If we have fears, we are projecting them into the future. Into a future time that does not even exist. If we have guilt, we are living in the past, for the past things we did. We are not living now. All the spiritual keepers, of all groups in the world, be they Buddhists, be they Islamic, be it part Red Pack, be it medicine pack-- you name it-- say [that] the only way to find the power that has been given to us from the Creator is to be here, now. Not to escape. So you see, this addiction that has happened from the Great Death, the survivors are separated from their feelings. Can you imagine the kind of children they raised? It was hard for them to love and be close to another because they were afraid. "If I became too close and love somebody, they would be destroyed, and I would suffer the pain all over again. So, they stayed away from that feeling. Those kids grew up and had their own kids, and from generations to generation to generation, until today, we have the legacy the inheritance of this spiritual sickness that was given to us a long time ago. And so the answers from the wisdom keepers is to work at being present and that will first revive the key. The spiritual keepers also say that the first step towards healing yourself, before you can heal others or help heal others, is to love that which we may hate or who may hate me. We may hate ourselves. We may hate an organization. We may hate the people from outside who have interfered. We may hate somebody. The first step towards this healing is to stop the hate and turn it into love. And it will transform everything. This spiritual sickness that we have is going to move now. It is going to change. There are some predictions in the sacred stone tablets among the wisdom keepers about what is going to happen here in this World of the 5th Hoop. Not only are we going to have this healing but the Earth Mother is going to shake in a way that it has never shook before. It is going to move in a way it has never done before. There is going to be a lot of fear because of this, and the wisdom keepers want me to convey that, when this happens, we should not be afraid. Because, what is happening is that the Earth Mother is trying to help us remove the stuff that we have stuck in our bodies, inherited from the spiritual sickness of generations and generations out. And one of the ways that we do that is to scare the life out of us. This is why there is going to be time for healers. Healers are being called from all over. Women are now taking their place as the original healers around the world and some of the strongest original healers are starting here in Alaska. Not only [will there be] the shift to the feminine side of leadership, but the women are going to start taking their place as healers. I think this is an exciting time. The Dalai Lama went down to Yakutan during the last change of the moon, with all the spiritual leaders, to pray for this time of the shift, this time of healing. And he has 'chosen'-- and this is the words that they use, which are hard to understand-- he has chosen to take the spiritual energies that they have been keeping in Tibet and move them from Tibet and bring them here to Alaska. Which they did a few weeks ago. The reason they did this is because the Chinese are wiping out the Tibetan Monks and destroying all the temples. So the Dalai Lama moved its spiritual energy here to Alaska, because this is the place where the healing is going to start. And this is the place where all the Angels are coming in by hosts. This is the place where the hoop of a hundred eagle feathers will be finished. And, interestingly enough, some of the healing ways are being revived from all the cultures. People are being woken up. How do we start this healing? When you are quiet within yourself and you sit next to the river-- ask. Do not be afraid to ask. Ask the Creator. Ask whoever you feel is your higher power, "Please help me find the way because I do not know how to heal." "Make me your history." And when you ask that, with humility in your heart, you will get it. You will find it. And it will be given to you, you will see this healing starting to spread like wild fire. It is just exciting. Exciting to see. And the key to it is staying here, now. Now, last thing I am going to say: I ran the village corporation in St. Paul for 10 years. I was city manager for 4 years. We started from no economy out there. In 1983 the government pulled out. That was our only economy. They pulled out and we lost 80% of our jobs. That year we had 100 suicide attempts out of 600 people. We had 4 people who killed themselves. We had 3 who were murdered-- things that had not happened in our village for 150 years! The last person ever murdered in our village was over 150 years ago. And it all happened in this one year. Big shaking up. And we thought, the leadership thought-- including me-- that, if we worked to bring the economy back so that everybody got a good paying job, our kids would return to our village. And that it would solve our problems. We had [a] growing alcohol problem, 60% of population [were[ alcoholic and 1/3 of our kids have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. We had suicide attempts all the time. I have been to 44 funerals here in 4 years-- 44 funerals! Goodness sakes. So what we learned from this and what I want to share with you is what happened when we got our economy [back]. We have the strongest rural economy in the State of Alaska right now. Our per capita income is $34,000.00-- $34,000.00 per person! That is what was accomplished in 10 years. But did it solve our problems? No. The spiritual sickness is still going on. The money only feeds the addiction. We have a community that is already addicted in some way because of the spiritual sickness. We have inherited this sickness from the time of the Great Death. Bringing money in, in large numbers, will fuel the addictions just like gasoline to fire. It will make it worse. Bigger. Because it is what we do with the money. Look at St. Paul. We are buying cars. Everybody has got a car now. We bought, maybe, 300 cars in last 3 years. Everybody has got 1 or 2 TV sets-- big ones. Everybody has got 4-wheelers. Everybody has got boats. Everybody has got nice clothes. Everybody has got nice houses. Things. Everybody has got things. But yet they are saying, "We are not happy. What is wrong?" What is wrong is [that] we were looking outside for feeding for a hunger inside-- a hunger that we did not understand. And that hunger is the hunger of the spirit. When we have addictions, it is a hunger to fill the spirit. It is like a big stomach inside you that wants to feed all of the time. And no matter how much we feed it with these addictions, [it] is never enough. And it just goes down and down and we get so depressed that we feel we can not get out of it. At that point, you die either physically or your die spiritually. Hopefully, many people will not have to go through that. So, that is the message that I have brought to you. This is a message of hope and a message of good wisdom. Remember, our cultures are not lost. The wisdom of it is already here with us. We just do not know it yet, because we are spiritually sleeping.
Message of Purification "Hothooka Caunotka " or "Sign Of Purification"
Saugh-he, a sign of purification has been sent to the people, that the Morning Star will start to be seen right before the night and light dances together. This is clear to the people of understanding and balance. This message of purification from Creator is speaking that end times are near, as people know it. In the days that follow, people will look at the sky nation and witness and feel the return of two brothers that helped create Earth Mother in the birthing time. One brother who has the care of the top of Earth Mother and his Brother who has the care for the bottom of Earth Mother. In these days the Morning Star will come and be with the two brothers and they will start to return Earth Mother to her natural rotation. This has been shown for ages in many Petroglyphs within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids and the carving and inscription on many rocks and bones. Earth Mother has been manipulated and characterized throughout the ages by people that are not so suggestive of doing good for Earth Mother and Creators creations. The two brothers will work and walk with the Hothooka. The Hothooka Caunotka as my ancestors spoke of them, will dance with the wind and find the ones that remember the original teachings of the old ways. The Hothooka Caunotka, walks strong with Earth Mothers purification dance. The return of the Morning Star and Hothooka Caunotka, is a message to all that a new day and new way of life on Earth Mother is here and the purification has started. Some changes will begin when the feeling of fire burn within the people. Their fires will burn with desires and conflicts if they don't remember the original old ways of teachings. With this time of purification on Earth Mother, all life as humans have known will be changed. There will be messages and messengers that will precede the Morning Star dance. These feelings and messages are for those on Earth Mother who understand the old ways and the teachings of Creator and Earth Mother. The feelings and messages will be found in the rocks within their sacred grains and the waters. Creator will issue a great light with the Hothooka Caunotka dance. Things will change in their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest of creation. Those that have returned to the old ways that understand the original teachings, they live and walk in a natural way; will not be harmed by the coming of the Morning Star and Hothooka Caunotka dance. They will survive and work together to purify and help each other re-build Earth Mother. In the ancient teachings of the old ways will they have the ability to understand these messages to be given from Creator and Earth Mother. It is important to understand that these messages will be found in and on every living thing, all will carry these messages. All life forms receives these feelings and messages from the Creator and Hothooka Caunotka; those that walk, fly, swim, crawl or stand. The appearance of the Hothooka Caunotka will be the opportunity for all to change their ways; everything that will be experience will be a matter of their choice. Many will appear to have lost their souls in these times. So intense will the nature of the changes be that those who are weak in spiritual understanding will not maintain their balance of thinking, for their walk was nothing without faith. People will disappear, for they were only hollow vessels for the darkness to use. Things will be so dark and out of balance in the cities, that many will choose to leave. Only those who return to the values of the teachings of the old ways will be able to find peace of mind and balance during this purification. It will be a hard time for people with children; they will be avoided deliberately and in some manner treated with force. Many of the children in these times will act and be un-natural. Some will be from the star nation. Some from past worlds some will be created by people, in an un-natural manner and will have no soul. Many of people in this time will be empty in faith, they will have no life force in their eyes or balance or their actions. As the time gets closer to the purification, there will be those who walk as ghosts through the cities and canyons they have constructed in their self made mountains. Those that walk through these places will be very heavy in their walk; it will appear almost painful as they take each step. These are disconnected souls from their faith, Creator and Earth Mothers understanding. After the arrival of the Hothooka Caunotka, they will begin to vanish before your eyes like smoke from the colds of a fire. Others will have great deformities, both in the mind and on their bodies; because the fake gateways that protected these people will be opened, there will be much confusion between sexes and children and the adults. Life will get and be very perverted and there will be little social order in these times. Many will ask for their misery to end and still others will appear as if untouched by what is occurring. The ones who remember the old ways of teachings and reconnected their souls and faith are those who remember who their mother and father are The Hothooka Caunotka will show people many signs in the sky nation. In this way people will know that Creator is not a dream. Even the people who do not feel their connection to faith will see the faces of the Grandfather across the sky nation. Many things will begin to occur with people that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting in and out of their dream time. There will be many paths to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to remind people of the past creations. All living and forgotten things want to be present for the great day of purification when the forever cycle of Earth Mother starts. The People will receive many warnings allowing them to change their paths from below the Earth Mother as well as above. Then one morning in a moment, the purification will awaken. Many things will then begin to happen that people want to be sure of their exact nature; for much of what reality was, will not be seen in the now, it will be gone. There will be many different animals on Earth Mother in these days of the Hothooka Caunotka dance, some that have never been seen before. The nature of humans will appear strange in these times. The people will walk between worlds and they will house many spirits even within their bodies. After a time people will walk with the Hothooka Caunotka from the top and bottom of Earth Mother and start to rebuild, but not until the Hothooka Caunotka has left their mark on Earth Mother Nothing living will go untouched. The way through this time can be found in your heart and reuniting with your soul. Getting simple and returning to living with and on Earth Mother in harmony with all creations. Remember people are the caretakers of Earth Mother and the fire keepers of our on faith and soul. Our Ancestors that walk with Hothooka Caunotka are coming home to see how their Ancestors have faired on their journey, walk with peace.
Creator as Chief,
Prayer from the Spiritual Elders of the Earth Creating A World of Peace We begin as a perfect union of matter and spirit. We receive the blessings from sky and earth. In the five fingers of our hand we can feel the energy of the universe. We receive the blessings from water, which nourishes and sanctifies life. We receive the blessings from the primal fire, the pulsating heart of creation. We experience the wonder of life multidimensional and transcendent. We extend our hands upwards and we are showered with abundance. We ask and we receive. A universe of plenty flows to us, through us. It is in us. We are filled with endless possibilities. We shall remember where we come from so that we may know that we are one. And in that way understand that we are of an undivided whole: race, color, nationality, creed, gender are beams of light, refracted through one great crystal prism. As we become conscious of the cosmos within us, we hear the prayers and songs of our Ancestors; we hear the sacred prayers and songs of peace; we hear the prayers and songs of cooperation; and we hear the prayers and songs of love. In short we hear the song of Creation. However, it seems in our spiritual forgetting, we have become unconscious of our cosmic birthright, and become plighted with disharmony, disunity, torn asunder from the stars in confusion. In this moment we are presented with an opportunity for great clarity, for a great awakening, to re-member Spirit. We do this through integrating spiritual vision and action to restore peace to our world. The moment that one world is about to end, a new world is about to begin. We need to remember where we came from because the path home is also the way to the future. Through our consciousness and our ceremonies, may we remember our traditional principles of unity, of cooperation, of compassion, and so may we infuse our world with peace, to act for the active presence of peace, to expand our capacity to receive it and to express it in our everyday life. We must do this fearlessly and courageously. As we receive, so shall we give. We realize that what affects anyone, anywhere affects everyone, everywhere. As we help others to heal, we heal ourselves. Our vision of interconnectedness and interdependence will resonate with new networks of Indigenous People, Nations and organizations. Let us seek unity within ourselves and across international lines. We can make of this world a gift of peace, which will confirm the presence of universal spirit in our lives. We can send into the future that gift which will protect our children from fear, from harm, from destruction. May each of us become aware that we are participating in a cause beyond self and sense the movement of spirit. When you feel spirit at work, when you see spiritual principles form the basis of peoples actions, let us be reminded once again of the merging of stardust and spirit. Dane Larsen, Co-Speaker
Elder's Guidance A Return to Prayer What are you going to give to the next seven generations? Do you have a beautiful gift to pass on? I don't think so . . . .We are all asking ourselves what do we do next, and where are we. Our ending time has come, and we are now asking for the best possible way to go back and restructure, reset and put things back on track that give strength to us. So we have a huge task the next five to ten years. We are going to have to come together. This pathway has to be open, so that we can make another 500-year calendar to bring in sacredness. Look at the elements. Look at the environment. Look at the clouds, the mountains, the plants, your people, and the grandchildren that are unborn yet. We want to make an entrance, a pathway, a blessing way. We have experienced negativity. There is social illness; there is great pain and suffering. Those kinds of illnesses we do not need to take into this new pathway. If we do, we only become sicker. We can put everything forward that is sacred. You and I have to do it. Our children's generations that are coming are waiting for this gift. . . . So we are going to have to hold hands and go in one direction. All of us have to communicate, sing one song, say one prayer, and walk the next decade together with one voice, for our survival and the survival of future generations. Leon Secatero, Canoncito Navajo Spiritual Elder