Mother Earth is
calling for all cultures to come together
in Sacred Ceremonies NOW to restore balance and
Grandmother Mountain
and Grandfather Mountain
McCall, Idaho | Snow still on the mountains. | Leaving McCall | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This was Memorial Day Weekend… On Monday the 18th, I got a phone number for Mary Tallbull Pow Wow director for the Nez Perce and called her. This was the ONLY number in the website that didn’t go to some voice mail or didn’t work… A gentleman answered and said he didn’t know her… but what did I want .. what was I looking for… and so I told him briefly that I had messages from Mother Earth that I was asked to bring them Native Americans. That 25 years ago the spirits told me the Native Americans had the ceremonies for healing the earth, and now they tell me it is time to go to the Indians to ask for their help in healing the earth… We talked a bit, him explaining that he has had 10 funerals, and Fri he had another unexpected one so he didn’t know but he thought he would be able to meet with us.. He said he would talk to us… so Friday, I called to see what his schedule was going to be and could not get him.. Saturday we drove up to Kamiah anyway. and found a camping spot.
Then we called him again. I got his daughter. He was still at Lapwaii so she gave me his cell number and I called again… he thought he might be home in 4 hours so I went back to camp and Dawn and I beaded. I put the finishing touches on my little earth bag and stuck two small eagle feathers on it. Dark came and no Elder so we went to bed. We got up the next morning. And when ready, went to a pay phone and tried again. He still was not back. This time I got his wife and she said, “I don’t know what you are talking about”. So I started from the beginning,,, but she asked more questions than her husband had and she got more information… I told her we were going to go visit Grandmother Mountain and we would be back around 4 or 5. I told her we needed some leeway here as we didn’t know what we were getting into, as both of us were from Boise and our first trip this far north… but we would call as soon as we get back and if he was back from the funerals, we could meet then. And Dawn and I head off to our excellent adventure. We drove up to Orfino and then took the shortcut across Dworshak Reservoir to Elk River then to Clarkia. Here we drove across mountain tops. The hillsides were green and beautiful. The mountains and the valleys, and as we climbed higher and higher everything was just gorgeous. Mother is absolutely breathtaking… I remarked that places on Mother looked like she had had chemo… her hair was patchy like what radiation does to human hair… AT Elk River, they were having speed boat competitions and the roar of the boats, were hurtful. I saw all the people there and wondered how they could put up with such loud vibrations and such noise… the noise reverberated off the mountains and shook the fish in the water… I could “see” the little hatchlings being disoriented and physically pummeled by the vibrations in the water. I wondered if any studies had been done on what such noise does to baby fish and adult fish. A stop at Elk River Trading Post had a wall full of competitions…. ATV, speed boat, dog sled, Easter egg hunts, dirt bike, Halloween, to name what I can remember. The place was packed.
When we left Elk River, we turned the wrong way, going past the ELK RIVER REDNECKED MENS CLUB…. Shoulda shot a photo of that… then got straightened out and headed to the highway and Clarkia.
We continued on our way to Clarkia. We stopped to ask about the Mountain. It is 45 miles from Clarkia and it is snowed in, We cant get there. At my persistence, I found out that we could get near the Cedar Sacred Grove by Hobo Pass, which was the original draw to me when I selected Grandmother Mountain. I came back out with the new found Knowledge that I had and told Dawn. I had also found out that the pretty purple flowers were camas which I always wanted to know more about so I crossed the street to take pictures. Camas is dug when the flowers are purple so that mistakes are not made gathering the white camas which is poison.
I got back and got in the car. Dawn had been walking Dagnee wolf and her new pup. The woman at the store had come out and gotten all over Dawn about the leashed Dogs running amok and Dawn responded nicely. Two more women on four wheelers had pulled into the parking lot and were glaring at Dawn. As I got back in the car, SUDDENLY she was all upset that we didn’t have enough gas, and we could not go and excuses. We had driven 9.5 hours to get to this mountain and now she didn’t want to go… What is up with that?!!!! So I get her to drive 10 miles further… just 10 miles… Along the way, we saw slash logging. Hillside after hillside of slash,,, every thing clear cut, and the pickings of the logs taken and everything else left in chaos and ruin.. upon a naked hill side.
As we go up the mountain, she is still grumpy as we hit the snowline and I am still insistent that this is what we came for. WE are both tired from our 5 hour drive along mountain sides and windy roads… Dawn has done all the driving up and down and around these mountain roads but the devastation we have just witnessed in this area would make a saint grumpy. We get out of the car and do our offerings and suddenly, I realize that I had this heavy weight on me,,, HEAVY, and when we did our offerings it lifted for both of us… the dogs tackled each other and ran back and forth down the mountain and up and had a puppy time. AND Dawn realized she had taken on this energy and manifested it in her little tiff…. We laughed a lot about this little “lesson”, … and when the energy lifted, it was like seeing clearly. We gathered 5 stone people that spoke to us wanting to go with us… And we found the trees here were Cedar… I had never seen this type of cedar, so we made offerings and prayers, thank you’s an picked cedar… WE had been 5 HOURS getting to this place on the mountain… And we realized the mountain had called to us, for us to see what was going on in the area… That it really was not just the mountain but the entire area that needed healing. We left, coming back down the mountain and all the way to Elk River before putting gas in the car… The gage had not moved the entire time since Clarkia.. We make it back in 2.5 hours to our camping spot in Kamiah. We wondered if aliens had picked us up and we had missing time, or did we get inter-dimensional. It made no sense that it took 5 hours one way and 2.5 the same way back… We could not figure it out. When we got to Kamiah, We called Alan but no one was at home, so I left a message. We had supper and were still cleaning up when I saw a brownish pickup carrying an Indian couple park by Dawns car. I went over to greet them. Alan and Lisa and daughter Mirianda. I invited them over to a table we had fixed and we talked to near twilight. I offered my protocols and told them what Crystal Mountain had told us… He asked for a map and I brought out the one we were working from. He asked if we had to do the circle… I asked why, what was he thinking, and he told me about families. He said that Crystal had family in the Gospel Hump Range, the Selway Range, and several other places… that mountains come in families… He shared stories with us. And he gave us a couple of names of people we might contact. And quickly it was time to quit but he said he would like to speak to us some more tomorrow. Before Dawn and I went to bed, we did a prayer ceremony for the mountains and valleys we had visited that day. I saw the spirits of the trees still standing tall and rooted but now with no bodies… and I wondered what happens to tree spirits when a tree dies… then I saw the fish in the Elk River Recreation site, and tried to bring Peace and tranquility and sooth the injured ones. Alan came Monday morning bout 10;30. We talked until 2. I can’t tell all we talked about. He told us Nez Perce stories. One story was about the Seven Devils Mountains in Hells Canyon, and how these mountains had saved the people during the flood. We talked about a lot of things. How Indians are,,, The way things are… about Sacred Ways,,, . He said we must find those who will help but he will do all he can do… He didn’t know how I got his name but He was glad to have us come. He was having a tuff time because of his family deaths, and we brought good words, we brought remembrances, and he was glad to have this… He was glad to have two new friends. He said that this must include all cultures and ways… that each must pray the way they know to do it… His wife Lisa wanted to know what is next. I explained that the spirits have asked me to go visit all the nations in the areas of our mountains. And that is first, and maybe we will figure out what is next as time goes along. He seemed to think in one month, we could have things happening. So it feels good and it looks like good things will happen. He gave me two more at Fort Hall and two at the Umatilla Rez. His wife is a River Person… so that might be why we went last weekend to the gathering at the Dalles. She is a beautiful woman with dark loving, and sad eyes… It was she who commented on the protocols that we had brought. I did my talking Sunday night and just listened and tried to learn what he was saying and telling us on Monday… making just a few comments. Thus ended the first journey to the North Lands.
On August 20th, 2009, I drove up to St. Maries but first I stopped at Plummer where the Courdelene Administration was. There I walked in and asked Marcy at the front desk who I might talk to. She asked some questions and I told her about talking mountains asking for help. She sent me to see John Mahoney. John is a delight. We talked sharing ideas and point of views… John was frustrated as he has been doing this work by himself, and I told him that now he had help. He was especially frustrated that the local spiritual advisor was a convicted pedophile and yet the people still followed him. I enjoyed my short visit and we made arrangements to meet again while he worked at the smoke shop. I gifted him my protocols. I continued to St. Maries where I would be staying with my cousins on top of the mountain. The heat was hot, but the trees and the views were awesome… On the 21st, my cuz Bill Johnson and I drove to Grandmother mountain. Dawn Hancock and I had gone earlier in the year but the snow prevented us from going where we had wanted to go. Now the snow was gone and we had time to go up on the mountain and to visit the Cedar Grove which had pulled me so strongly on the map. Bill and I drove and drove up windy mountain roads. Finally we got to the top and learned that we were on Marks Butte. Grandmother and Grandfather Mountains were accessible only by hiking but from the Butte, they were clearly visible. Bill picked huckleberries while I gathered my stone people I needed for the ceremonies and did my protocols for the mountains… it became apparent that the Grandfather and Grandmother worked together in balance, so both had to be represented… the views of the valleys below was filled with haze. Our trip there plus the first one with Dawn, we were already aware of the 1) clear cutting where mountains stood naked except for the chaos of tumbled trees and vegetation. Tree spirits still stand crying till they can be released from their obligatory allotment of time given to them, and their spirits released back to Creator.2) Recreation noises causing vibration and sound which is damaging to the natural wildlife and fish, and 3) puts gasoline and oil in the water not to mention. The vibrations cause the animals to be nervous and they lose weight. Baby fish are actually killed by the vibrations of sound and movement of speed boats, over and over. 4) the drinking and partying of party goers who invite unsavory alcohol spirits into the area, and harsh words that create negative vibrations, and thought forms in the water crystals of all living things. 5) lots of stuck thought forms, but that seemed to be prevalent everywhere .
The next day, I went up to Plummer to visit with John Mahoney. I stopped at the trading post, and got sidetracked, and was 10 min late at the smoke shop to visit with John. All went very good. I like him. I like his energy. He shared his journey. His journey to prison, through addictions, and to his new 180 degree life. He spoke of the youth, following the gang ways, talked of traditions but all had been buried, the songs, the dances, the ways, when they accepted the Black Robes. His love for the people and his anguish that they followed not the traditions of their people were evident.
November 2009 An attempt to do ceremony for
Grandmother and Grandfather was aborted by the first Winter Snow.