Mother Earth is
calling for all cultures to come together
in Sacred Ceremonies
NOW to restore
balance and harmony..
White Wolf Paiute Visits 2009 Paiute Journey 2010 Ruby Pipeline | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
About Niyawehnsie Peacemaker Teaching Thanksgiving Address Crystal Mountain2008 |
Earth Mother Crying Prophecy Earth Wisdom Crystal Medicine Mountain Wheel 2009 |
Events 2009 Peace One Day Crystal Mountain Medicine Wheel 2010 |
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Mount Borah
Mount Borah is our SE point in our Crystal Mountain Medicine Wheel. I have some insights to share with you. First of all is how extremely important this calling is. We have very important work that we are engaged in. More Important than I would have ever guessed. Let me explain. Many have been working on the grids for this time. Prayers, intention and love have been programming the grids from individuals and groups through out the world. A lot of the work can be done just during meditation. The Earth Healing group has two functions in my understanding at the time. One is to build community of like minded individuals because when the shift comes, we will have to rely on and help each other. The second is as a bridge to connect all the spiritual work that is going on by Light Workers the world over, directly into the physical grid. Once these grids are connected, then again a lot of the work can be done remotely. Some important information came from Mount Borah. She calls herself Pahidsta.
A similar thing in Momma Gaia is that she no longer cleans her own water. 50 years ago, you drink from mountain waters as 100 yd down stream of any impurity like dead carcasses even, and the water would be purified safe for drinking… As you know, it is no longer pure even as it comes out at its birthing space. In fact, the Panama Canal is being widened at the critical point of connecting energies north and south. This severs that connection. Indigenous peoples have done ceremony on this aspect but now it will need to be done again. When we started this a year ago, Crystal Mountain asked us to heal the physical Crystal Grid system which is deep in the earth. She said at that time it functions like a nervous system for the earth Mother. It carries life force and communication signals, and is fractured and broken all over. Now back to the Mt. Borah insights. At the point where she is located, she is in the middle of the widest point of the backbone with the Sierra Nevadas on one side and the Rocky Mountains on the other. If you place it in relationship to the human spine, it is relative to the space right behind the heart chakra. A breaking Earth Mother’s heart because her children whom she loves so much are unconsciously killing her? And she soon will have to defend herself and heal? Please contemplate that thought and what it means.
In 1983, an earthquake created by the 7 foot slippage of this fault was felt all the way to Boise. The scarp extends for 21 miles along the mountain front. In some places, multiple scarps formed. The ground motion or roll did $15,000,000 damage to roads and buildings in the Chalis and Mackey areas. Boulders tumbled down mountains. Some struck homes around Chalis 35 miles North. New springs and craters called "sand boils" erupted in the valley. The largest deluge of water ever recorded after an earthquake in the United States—some 400,000,000,000 gallons—gushed forth. This fault is vertical along the side of Mt. Borah. It goes deep into the earth. A major slippage here will impact the nuclear power plant at ARCO just 45 miles away. Please contemplate that thought.
Recent addition to the earth’s crust is in these parts. We call it the Craters of the Moon National Park.. The mountain told me to appease the "Fire Gods". Curious as to that term, She explained that fire is transmuting, and it is the only thing on the earth that can consume the iniquity of negative thought forms AND deeds, such as wars, murders, raping and pillaging of resources, as well as poisons from mining, farming, rain making, to name a few. All forms of pollution, spiritual and physical get transmuted through fire. The indication was that lava is getting ready to pour forth and purify. Fire is the only way….. unless we do ceremony and use our unconditional love to clear and heal.
I feel it is necessary to do what we can do to lessen or make easier any of the shifting and purification that Mother Earth will be doing. Blue Thunder in his search for the next ceremony place for the Yellowstone Cauldron was told by three grandmothers (spirits of mountains) to go home. His job was done. It was now their turn to "wake the people up". The people are not listening, so now they will experience…. I am opening this ceremony up to everyone. I have contacted all the tribes. They know what we are doing. I have a few things that must still be accomplished with them, but we can now invite anyone and everyone to these ceremonies. I have spaced the ceremonies for instruction time, so if you have NEVER been to one, but feel drawn and would like to camp on Mount Borah, you are welcome. The Teachings concerning this work will be given prior to ceremony so you will feel perfectly at home.
The Ceremony Oct 4-5 2009 |
Arriving Saturday afternoon, we knew there was a winter advisory and were concerned about it. We also felt that the mountain had been calling for us for some time, and this might well be the last chance we had of actually working with her and we felt it was too important to not get it done this year. There would be no guarantees, that we knew, but to ignore her summons were perilous at any rate. As we arrived, we became aware of the intensity of energies. It was like a council was being held. And decisions were being made. The storm clouds were already gathering. Touching in with the spirits to let them know we were there, and asking what was the process was to be we were to follow, there was a sense of defiance, almost like do what you want but you can't change what is going to happen. We said that is fine, we are here to assist not change things, and the energies became a bit more friendly. We set up camp at the trailhead, and then wanted to go to the Epi Center to open our ceremony. As we go to get in the cars to leave for the ceremony place, I could not find my keys. We hunted. We went through the campsite, through the vehicle, both twice, and no where could we find the keys. Finally we smudged and I went to that space where I knew I had them last. We all smudged. Kris had suggested this while driving up as he felt the negative energies as well. He had been working on the mountain all week and had shared visions of demons. So now we did smudge. I knelt in the grass and on hands and knees felt around on the ground.... NOTHING.... Nothing... out of frustration, I told the spirits, this was not funny, and I wanted my keys back NOW. About that time, a crow called and I looked and there were the keys hanging in the path, dangling from the end of a little branch. Many times we had passed on that path and in its precarious hanging would have easily been knocked to the ground. It simply could not have been there before the cawing of the crow. Dawn said, "this means that you have the key". Oh thanks alot, key to what? Meditation brought a strange answer. Very strange. It seemed that entities not meant for the earth had "captured" the spirits and elementals of the land and held them captive in a cavern in the ancient volcanic center of Mount Borah. I brushed it off... too much science fiction. Later, on the way home, Kris would describe exactly what they looked like and would agree to the cavern in the mountain.
We traveled a few miles to the Epi Center. Dawn and Kris looked for a place to do ceremony and found a wonderful vortex filled with mullein. These place where mullein grows profusely are usually a sign of vortexes here in the west. I took pictures of the ceremony but they did not show up in the camera. Here we did Round 1: forgiving and clearing of all energies on and in the sky. Next we cleared the energies in the ground and cleared water veins so that the water could disperse through the valley and relieve tensions on the fault line. The vortex was strengthened and aligned with the 12 grids, and energies were dispersed through all the grids. Spirits were sent to the light, many who did not belong on this earth were sent home. Others who wanted to join the Light were transmuted. Most of the entities inside the mountain went home leaving the spirits and elementals behind. There were massive amounts of human spirits gathering in the valley, the assumption was many wars, so a column o f Light was established to provide a way for them to return to Creator. Four Bird Men (Arc Angels) were placed at the four corners of the vortex to assist and lift burdens, and Lady Nada, Shell Woman, White Buffalo Calf Woman, and Magdalena were placed in the in-between places to dry tears of Ancient Wounds and Pain facilitating evolution to the next realm. . We left the vortex open all night so the powers we called in could work. Helpers were called to make sure every rock and pebble, every blade and stalk of vegetation were cleared with the forgiven energies, of war, greed, pain, suffering, and the removal of stuck thought programs that laid like a suffocating blanket across the area.